Ready DVD is a company that is supplied by DVDNow. DVDNow supplies our machines and technology to help our customers rent videos in a simple manner. Our machines are located in Billings Montana and in Laurel Montana. They will up and live during the middle of June. Our intention is to start a local video business that hopefully will grow and emcompass other smaller Montana town. Right now, Redbox has started to bring in their machines and set them up in the major stores. Our intention is to bring the machines to the smaller communities and smaller businesses. Our prices will only be a couple of bucks and you'll get the best service possible. The store owners can give our company a direct call and so can the customer. There's no having to call some 800 number that routes you to seveal different areas before you actuall talk to a live human. Good luck trying to get a coorporate company to call you back or take care of you. I believe our customer service will be better than any other service available in the video rental business. If you ever need to contact us, you won't get the computer phone answering machine. You'll be getting in touch with us directly! I don't think you'll have to call us for much though. Our service will speak for itself.
Our machines will play movie trailers and they will allow local advertisers to play their commercials as well. We want this to be a community machine. We want each machine customized to the store we put it in. If you want to see our machines, click here.. You can see what video titles are in each machine as well. If you have any suggestions, please let our company know. click here.
If you'd like to advertise on our video screen, we are very inexpensive and you can pick your location. We can also add your advertisement to our website, video screen and your phone number can even go on the side of our machines. I'd be glad to give you prices that are far more inexpensive than print. Plus, it brings your advertsing to a whole new level. Some of the people that really should think about advertising on our site are:
Contractors, Car Dealerships, Banks, Restaurants, Pizza delivery places, anybody that needs to get their business in front of lots of people.
I have the ability to help put together a nice ad for you too...
Mike Weiland
Owner of ReadyDVD